February 20, 2024

Power of Attorney in Thailand

In situations where individuals are unable to personally handle their legal or financial affairs, a power of attorney (POA) becomes a valuable tool. A POA is a legal document that authorizes another person, known as the attorney-in-fact or agent, to act on their behalf in specific matters. Understanding how POAs function in Thailand is crucial for both individuals granting the authority and those appointed as attorneys-in-fact.

Types of Power of Attorney:

In Thailand, two primary types of POAs exist:

  • General Power of Attorney: This grants broad authority to the attorney-in-fact to handle a wide range of matters on behalf of the principal (the person granting the POA). This type of POA should be used cautiously due to the extensive powers it confers.
  • Special Power of Attorney: This limits the attorney-in-fact's authority to specific acts or tasks outlined in the document. This type of POA is preferable for granting specific permissions without granting broader control over the principal's affairs.

Essential Elements of a POA:

A valid POA in Thailand must adhere to specific requirements:

  • Written document: The POA must be a written document in Thai language, although translations can be attached for reference.
  • Witness signatures: The document requires signatures from two witnesses who are present when the principal signs the POA and can verify their identity.
  • Notarization: While not mandatory, it is highly recommended to have the POA notarized by a notary public thailand . This adds an extra layer of authenticity and credibility to the document.
  • Clear and specific: The POA should clearly and specifically outline the scope of authority granted to the attorney-in-fact, including the types of actions they are authorized to perform and any limitations on their power.

Considerations for Granting a POA:

When considering granting a POA, individuals should carefully evaluate the following:

  • Choice of attorney-in-fact: Selecting a trustworthy and reliable individual with sound judgment and the ability to act in the principal's best interests is crucial.
  • Scope of authority: Clearly defining the extent of the attorney-in-fact's power and specifying any limitations helps protect the principal's interests.
  • Duration: Determining the timeframe for which the POA remains valid is essential. It can be limited to a specific period or be open-ended until revoked by the principal.
  • Review and updates: Regularly reviewing and updating the POA, especially in situations where the principal's circumstances change, is recommended.

Revoking a Power of Attorney:

The principal has the right to revoke the POA at any time, with or without reason. This can be done by:

  • Destroying the original document: This effectively renders the POA invalid.
  • Issuing a written revocation: A written statement formally revoking the POA should be provided to the attorney-in-fact and any relevant third parties.

Legal Considerations:

It is important to note that:

  • POAs do not grant the attorney-in-fact the authority to make personal decisions for the principal, such as medical or end-of-life decisions.
  • Specific legal requirements may apply to using POAs for certain transactions, such as real estate dealings. Consulting a lawyer is recommended for guidance in such situations.


Powers of attorney serve as a valuable tool for individuals to manage their affairs when unable to do so personally. Understanding the types, essential elements, and considerations involved in creating and utilizing POAs in Thailand empowers individuals to make informed decisions and protect their interests. However, seeking legal advice for complex situations or specific legal transactions is always recommended.

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